Time zone: Europe/London, UTC 0 h.
Latitude: 51.55, Longitude: 0.72
618 386 people
Date | Sunrise | Solar Noon | Sunset | Length of day |
2025-Mar-01, Saturday | 06:41:20 | 12:09:22 | 17:37:25 | 10h 56m 5s |
2025-Mar-02, Sunday | 06:39:10 | 12:09:10 | 17:39:11 | 11h 0m 1s |
2025-Mar-03, Monday | 06:36:59 | 12:08:58 | 17:40:56 | 11h 3m 57s |
2025-Mar-04, Tuesday | 06:34:48 | 12:08:45 | 17:42:42 | 11h 7m 54s |
2025-Mar-05, Wednesday | 06:32:36 | 12:08:31 | 17:44:27 | 11h 11m 51s |
2025-Mar-06, Thursday | 06:30:23 | 12:08:17 | 17:46:12 | 11h 15m 49s |
2025-Mar-07, Friday | 06:28:10 | 12:08:03 | 17:47:56 | 11h 19m 46s |
2025-Mar-08, Saturday | 06:25:56 | 12:07:48 | 17:49:40 | 11h 23m 44s |
2025-Mar-09, Sunday | 06:23:42 | 12:07:33 | 17:51:24 | 11h 27m 42s |
2025-Mar-10, Monday | 06:21:28 | 12:07:18 | 17:53:08 | 11h 31m 40s |
2025-Mar-11, Tuesday | 06:19:13 | 12:07:02 | 17:54:52 | 11h 35m 39s |
2025-Mar-12, Wednesday | 06:16:57 | 12:06:46 | 17:56:35 | 11h 39m 38s |
2025-Mar-13, Thursday | 06:14:42 | 12:06:30 | 17:58:18 | 11h 43m 36s |
2025-Mar-14, Friday | 06:12:26 | 12:06:13 | 18:00:01 | 11h 47m 35s |
2025-Mar-15, Saturday | 06:10:10 | 12:05:57 | 18:01:44 | 11h 51m 34s |
2025-Mar-16, Sunday | 06:07:53 | 12:05:40 | 18:03:26 | 11h 55m 33s |
2025-Mar-17, Monday | 06:05:36 | 12:05:22 | 18:05:09 | 11h 59m 33s |
2025-Mar-18, Tuesday | 06:03:20 | 12:05:05 | 18:06:51 | 12h 3m 31s |
2025-Mar-19, Wednesday | 06:01:02 | 12:04:48 | 18:08:33 | 12h 7m 31s |
2025-Mar-20, Thursday | 05:58:45 | 12:04:30 | 18:10:14 | 12h 11m 29s |
2025-Mar-21, Friday | 05:56:28 | 12:04:12 | 18:11:56 | 12h 15m 28s |
2025-Mar-22, Saturday | 05:54:11 | 12:03:54 | 18:13:37 | 12h 19m 26s |
2025-Mar-23, Sunday | 05:51:53 | 12:03:36 | 18:15:19 | 12h 23m 26s |
2025-Mar-24, Monday | 05:49:36 | 12:03:18 | 18:17:00 | 12h 27m 24s |
2025-Mar-25, Tuesday | 05:47:19 | 12:03:00 | 18:18:41 | 12h 31m 22s |
2025-Mar-26, Wednesday | 05:45:01 | 12:02:42 | 18:20:22 | 12h 35m 21s |
2025-Mar-27, Thursday | 05:42:44 | 12:02:24 | 18:22:03 | 12h 39m 19s |
2025-Mar-28, Friday | 05:40:27 | 12:02:06 | 18:23:44 | 12h 43m 17s |
2025-Mar-29, Saturday | 05:38:10 | 12:01:48 | 18:25:25 | 12h 47m 15s |
2025-Mar-30, Sunday | 06:35:54 | 13:01:30 | 19:27:06 | 12h 51m 12s |
2025-Mar-31, Monday | 06:33:37 | 13:01:12 | 19:28:46 | 12h 55m 9s |
London, (London, City of) Birmingham, (Birmingham) Manchester, (Manchester) Leeds, (Leeds) Sheffield, (Sheffield) Glasgow, (Glasgow City) Newcastle upon Tyne, (Newcastle upon Tyne) Caerdydd, (Cardiff) Nottingham, (Nottingham) Liverpool, (Liverpool) Bristol, (Bristol, City of) Edinburgh, (Edinburgh, City of) Brighton, (Brighton and Hove) Bradford, (Bradford) Leicester, (Leicester) Sunderland, (Sunderland) Belfast, (Belfast) Portsmouth, (Portsmouth) Bournemouth, (Bournemouth) Middlesbrough, (Redcar and Cleveland) Stoke-on-Trent, (Stoke-on-Trent) Coventry, (Coventry) Southampton, (Southampton) Reading, (Reading) Kingston upon Hull, (Kingston upon Hull, City of) Abertawe, (Swansea) Blackpool, (Blackpool) Plymouth, (Plymouth) Luton, (Luton) Oxford, (Oxfordshire)
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